Babies and children, families and communities do the research on what it takes for them to flourish. Listen with us to what they’ve been learning. Watch a webinar. Check out the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative. Join the Brazelton Touchpoints Center Learning Network. Join the conversation.
Faculty, staff, and National Facilitators at the Brazelton Touchpoints Center represent a multi-disciplinary team of change agents, early child development educators, psychologists, pediatricians, pediatric nurse practitioners, and other early child development and behavior experts, professional development trainers, project directors, program evaluators, statisticians, community engagement professionals, and more. Similarly, our Touchpoints Training sites hail from 33 states and over 100 communities, from urban to rural, and everything in between.
Michael Accardi, MPP
Director of Resource Development
Team: Communications, Development and Outreach
Phone: (617) 919-6218
Email: [email protected]
Maha Ali, BA
Kim Alleyne, MCP, EdD
Director, Community Partnerships; Research & Evaluator Grants and Contracts Administrator
Team: Research and Evaluation, Professional Development
Phone: (857) 218-4339
Email: [email protected]
Catherine Ayoub, MN, EdD
Director of Research and Evaluation; Executive Director, Family Connections Mental Health Consultation; Staff Facilitator; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School; Senior Attending Psychologist, Boston Children’s Hospital
Team: Mental Health, Professional Development, Research and Evaluation
Phone: (857) 218-4374
Email: [email protected]
Emma Bishop, MA
Research Coordinator II
Team: Research and Evaluation
Phone: (617) 919-6056
Email: [email protected]
Lindsay Boyer, MS
Jillian Brashear, MPH
Eurnestine Brown, PhD
Program Director, Director of Relational Equity and Belonging; Director of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Access, Division of Developmental Medicine, Boston Children's Hospital; Senior Strategic Advisor on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Anti-Racism, Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center, Boston Children's Hospital
Team: Communications, Development, and Outreach, Professional Development, Research and Evaluation
Phone: (617) 355-6000
Email: [email protected]
Katherine Buttitta, PhD
Research & Evaluation Lead II; Senior Data Analyst; Staff Scientist, Boston Children's Hospital
Team: Research and Evaluation
Phone: (857) 218-3918
Email: [email protected]
Ryan Chevalier
Project Coordinator
Team: Communications, Development and Outreach
Phone: (617) 355-6000
Email: [email protected]
Lisa Desrochers, MA
Professional Development Manager and National Facilitator
Team: Professional Development
Phone: (617) 388-6070
Email: [email protected]
Allison Duarte
Program Coordinator, Operations Assistant
Team: Administration and Finance
Phone: (617) 919-3228
Email: [email protected]
Ashley Gaddis, MA
Director of Communications
Team: Communications, Development and Outreach
Email: [email protected]
Daniel Glidden
Manager of Financial Reporting
Team: Administration and Finance
Phone: (857) 218-4903
Email: [email protected]
Joelfré Grant, MAT
Research & Evaluation Associate, Tribal Liaison, National Facilitator
Team: Research and Evaluation, National Facilitators
Phone: (406) 250-0442
Email: [email protected]