Join the Tribal Early Childhood Research Center ( and educators working to ensure the vibrancy of Indigenous language and culture in early childhood program settings. In a series of 3 virtual learning circles, we will engage in dialogue and reflection with educators from diverse Indigenous cultures and communities to learn how Indigenous language and culture are supported and contribute to the health, well-being, and thriving of Native children, families, and communities!
Join us to learn about:
• how culture lives in language,
• how to build early language learning programs,
• how to support family and community engagement in children’s early language learning,
• as well as institutional and policy challenges.
Thursday May 16th | 3-4 PM ET
– Nitana Hicks Greendeer, Head of School at Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, will focus on Understanding Wampanoag culture through Wôpanâak language.
– Lana Garcia, Director of the Walatowa Language Immersion Head Start program at the Pueblo of Jemez will host this Learning Circle.