Babies and children, families and communities do the research on what it takes for them to flourish. Listen with us to what they’ve been learning. Watch a webinar. Check out the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative. Join the Brazelton Touchpoints Center Learning Network. Join the conversation.
Whether you work in a childcare center or in a home-based setting, you know that all the children come to you with their unique temperaments and developmental ups and downs. They come to you with their relationships with the other grownups who care for them, and their family’s cultures, strengths and challenges. And you know that children each have their own behaviors as their language, their way of communicating. Join us as we discover
- what children are telling us with their behavior,
- how to share what we are learning with their families, and
- ways to let families know that we know that — they’re the experts on their children.
Can we make child behaviors and conversations with families that challenge us less stressful? Where is the joy now in sharing the care?
Visit our Professional Development page to learn more about the following trainings and workshops and more!
- Touchpoints: The How of Child and Family Engagement
- Addressing Behaviors that Challenge
- Development is a Journey: A Conversation Roadmap for Talking with Families
- Act Early: Partnering with Families on Developmental Screening and Referrals
- Strengths-Based Family Engagement Workshop Series
- Navigating Challenging Conversations: Why, What, and How