Babies and children, families and communities do the research on what it takes for them to flourish. Listen with us to what they’ve been learning. Watch a webinar. Check out the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative. Join the Brazelton Touchpoints Center Learning Network. Join the conversation.
Babies are born ready to communicate with a rich vocabulary of behaviors. While babies may not speak their first word for a year, their behaviors are all part of the complex language they use to convey their needs, preferences, and challenges.
But how can we make sense of a language that we ourselves may not have spoken since our earliest moments?
The Brazelton Institute provides training for clinicians and researchers on the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) and the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) system. Used in hundreds of research studies across the globe, the NBAS is a comprehensive neurobehavioral assessment. Pioneered and developed by Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, it has transformed forever the world’s understanding of newborn behavior.
Inspired by the NBAS, the NBO is a clinical relationship-building tool designed to help parents understand their baby’s language, appreciating their child as a unique individual. In this way, the NBO fosters the sensitive caregiving that will optimally support self-regulation and early development. The NBO can be used by a wide array of practitioners (including nurses, physicians, early interventionists, home visitors, doulas and midwives) who care for very young infants and their families. Watch the NBO in action and you’ll witness precious moments of meeting between parent and newborn.
The Brazelton Institute provides training for clinicians and researchers on the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) and the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) system.